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Conference Program


Morning Panel • The World Crisis and the Solution: A New World Economic System

Keynote: Helga Zepp-LaRouche Appeals to the American People
To Once Again Save the World from Fascism: “Never Again!”
Helga Zepp LaRouche, Founder of the international Schiller Institute

Glass-Steagall Will Revive The Economy of Living People
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Intellectual Author of the SDI, Economist and Statesman

The President Must Consult Congress Before Going to War
Walter Jones, U.S. Representative from North Carolina

The Global Food Crisis and the New Paradigm
Marcia Merry Baker, EIR Economics Intelligence director

Keeping the Farmer on the Land
Frank Endres

NAWAPA and Canada
Dr. Robert Hux, Committee for the Republic of Canada



Afternoon Panel • Ending the Threat of Nuclear World War: The Pacific Century

Selections from Bach’s B Minor Mass
Schiller Institute San Francisco Chorus and Orchestra
Directed by My-hoa Steger

The Role of the Phillipines and the U.S.
Butch Valdes, Chairman of the Phillipines LaRouche Movement

The Extended NAWAPA: World Rail and Nuclear Power
Dr. Hal Cooper, engineer and infrastructure expert

The Historic Potential of the Pacific
Michael Billington, Advisor to LaRouche on Asia, USA

China and the U.S. — Inevitable Partners
Victor Chang

Australia: Free from the British Empire
Robert Barwick

California, the Pacific, and the Fight for Glass-Steagall
Harley Schlanger, Schiller Institute Board Member, Western States Spokesman for LaRouche



Evening Panel • The Role of Creativity in Development

Mozart “Dissonance Quartet” K. 465 – The Dirichlet Quartet
Nancy Shavin – Violin
David Shavin – Viola
My-Hoa Steger – Violin
Jean-Sebastién Tremblay – Cello

The Science of Creativity
Phil Rubinstein

Man and the Biosphere: Occupying It as Human Civilization
Omar Pensado

The Sense-Uncertainty of Truth
Megan Beets, LaRouchePAC Basement Team

Beethoven Cello Sonata Op. 69
Jean-Sebastién Tremblay – Cello My-Hoa Steger – Piano

Questions and Discussion



San Francisco Resolution


“The totally over indebted world financial system is so fragile, it could evaporate at any moment, like a supernova. Rather than admitting that their monetarist system of high risk speculation is bankrupt, the financial oligarchy intends to put the burden on the population, through the so called ‘bail-in’ policy! They intend a ‘hair cut’ reduction of the real economy and the living standard with the immediate result the death of millions of people, and they are now openly calling for the return of fascist regimes as in the 1930s.

“We, therefore, commit to mobilize for a national campaign, demanding the U.S. Congress implement Glass-Steagall immediately, exactly as Franklin D. Roosevelt did in 1933.

“We also pledge to revive the principles of the American Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, by initiating, today, a Second American Revolution and committing ourselves to turn America once again into a Beacon of Hope and Temple of Liberty, creating an alliance of perfectly sovereign nation states in the tradition of John Quincy Adams, and establishing the foundation of true peace through development.

“The implementation of Glass-Steagall is the first and indispensable step! Therefore, we call on every citizen to join the movement to establish this law, as well as a new international credit system modeled on Alexander Hamilton’s U.S. credit system, not only for the U.S., but for the whole world, so that that whole world can again become livable.”

The Schiller Institute