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Webcast: Mueller Investigation Criminality in the Open: Time Now to End the Reign of Geopolitics

Webcast: Mueller Investigation Criminality in the Open: Time Now to End the Reign of Geopolitics


In the recent weeks, a series of exposes, led by the circulation of LaRouchePAC’s dossier on Robert Mueller, the “Immoral Legal Assassin”, has emboldened those fighting against the coup in the United States, which was designed to overturn Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 election.  A number of key operatives, working directly with Mueller, have been exposed as part of a web of criminality, with their marching orders coming directly from the highest levels of British intelligence.  The leading role of the British, exemplified by the Christopher Steele/Fusion GPS “dodgy dossier,” which was financed by the Clinton campaign, is now the subject of hearings in Congressional committees, and has even become a topic of mainstream news coverage

Though the tide is turning against Mueller, the battle is not yet won.  There are crucial strategic issues to be addressed by the Trump administration, including deepening the collaboration with Russia and China, and addressing the dangerous financial crisis in the Trans-Atlantic nations.  As we look ahead to the New Year, it is clear that, if the right course is adopted in the days and weeks ahead, it is now possible to put an end to the genocidal foolishness embedded in the imperial doctrine of Geopolitics, a doctrine designed for the survival of the Empire, at the expense of the world’s population.

There is nothing more urgent today than to overturn the reigning geopolitical, unipolar world system, and replace it with a New Paradigm, based on each nation working for the benefit of all nations.  Events of 2017 have proven that the efforts of the Schiller Institute, led by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, to bring the U.S. into the New Paradigm, are bearing fruit.

Join us for this Thursday’s webcast, when Mrs. LaRouche will present the strategy to bury, once and for all, the doctrine of geopolitics.

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